Graffiti, Street Art, Stencil
with Duna
Making art with the spray can! Painting, drawing and writing with spray paint on various surfaces - also outdoors. Everybody can create beautiful pictures by using stencils. Paints etc. are provided.
Duna is a graffiti artist from Heilbronn. She took part in several "Diversity Jam"-graffiti projects in Schwäbisch Hall.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
2 - 6 p.m.

Silkscreen printing
with Stefan Maier
In this workshop you can print images on cloth bags for take away. Many unique stencils, created by Stefan Maier especially for this workshop, are available for printing. By means of silkscreen printing art works can be created easily. And every bag is unique. Everybody is invited to participate!
Stefan Maier runs his own professional silkscreen printing studio for many years in Schwäbisch Hall.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
2 - 6 p.m.

Immer 2 (Always 2)
with Katharina Schneider
Two people are sitting face to face and start to paint a picture together. From two sides. With two colors. By means of lines and colors an artistic dialogue is emerging where two ideas merge into a harmonious tone. A stunning experience - also for people without any artistic experience.
Katharina Schneider is a freelance artist (painting and sculpture), living in Esslingen.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Platz (in case of bad weather, in front of REWE in the Kocherquartier, 1. basement floor)

with Sumiko Shoji
DialogArt is fun! In this workshop you will paint, draw and play together. By means of extraordinary exercises and experiments the participants get to know each other and discover the manifold ways of making art together. Even blindfolded! You will be surprised!
Sumiko Shoji lives and works in Gaildorf as a freelance artist and teacher.
Friday, December 14, 2018
6 - 8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, December 15 and 16, 2018
2 - 5 p.m.

Printing workshop (for women only)
with Ilka Nowicki
Art printing is so easy! In this workshop you will create with steel needles, printing color and a gravure printing press. It is amazing, how highly suitable for printing are the inner sides of milk packages... You need no previous knowledge for experimenting. Be curious and have fun while trying out!
Ilka Nowicki is a freelance artist (painting, graphics) and works in a studio with printing workshop in Schwäbisch Hall.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
2 - 4:30 p.m.

Printing workshop (for everybody)
with Ilka Nowicki
Saturday, January 19, 2019
2 - 4.30 p.m.

Graffiti Workshop - Styles & Characters
with Frieder und Roland
You are interested in trying out graffiti? You want to improve your skills together with real professionals? In this workshop you can learn how to develop graffiti characters out of your individual handwriting (in many languages), how to fill them with colors and forms, how to choose the right background, how to shade and to work out details. It will also be demonstrated how you can create 3D figures and objects by means of simple lines and basic forms, how you can color and hatch your images and combine them with new elements. All that can be learnt within few hours and will soon be tried out right on the wall.
On the first day the workshop starts in the Club Alpha. There you will learn the basics. Then you make your first experiments on the wall. On Sunday you continue at the Gemeinschaftsunterkunft (accomodation for refugees), Schmollerstraße 31. Then you will spray on large tarpaulins and create large pieces. These tarpaulins shall afterwards be displayed on the facade of the building.
There will be a special little workshop for the kids in Schmollerstraße together with Jana.
Frieder and Roland are two experienced graffiti artists living in Schwäbisch Hall. They are looking forward to working with you and having fun. Frieder is also the organizer of the famous Schwäbisch Hall Diversity Jams.
Saturday and Sunday, April 27 - 28, 2019
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sewing workshop
with Meike Faisey und Cathrin Weiss
The project "Sewing machines on tour" is going on since quite a while. Meike Faisey and Cathrin Weiss are regularly visiting accomodations for refugees. They are providing fabrics as well. It is not only clothing that can be sewed during the workshop, but for instance also covers for pillows, mobile phones or cold packs, gym bags and many more.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
2 - 6 p.m.
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Crafting mobiles and dream catchers
with Sabine Grimm
In this workshop little artworks can be crafted from leaves, twigs, wool and many other precious things found in nature. The experienced teacher will demonstrate how easy it can be, to let imagination and creativity run wild.
Sabine Grimm is working as a florist and teacher and lives in Aalen.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
2 - 6 p.m.

Freundschaftskugeln (Friendship balls) - Felt project
mit Traute Friz
This workshop offers a quick entry into the art of felting. Wool in many different colors is at hand. The balls that will be felted during the workshop are part of a beautiful story.
Traute Friz is working as felt artist and lives in Schwäbisch Hall.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Platz (in case of bad weather, in front of REWE in the Kocherquartier, 1. basement floor)

Freundschaftsband (Friendship bracelet) - Cultures unite
with Katharina Schneider
An extraordinary art project, free for all to participate: Brochures of refugees initiatives, articles about the refugee debate, reports from crisis zones on the one hand, on the other reports/brochures about Germany, for instance travel journals, city guides etc., serve as material for the turned paper beads. Those will be threaded onto bracelets together with wooden beads. They can be taken away by the participants. In a playful manner different cultures unite.
Katharina Schneider is a freelance artist (painting and sculpture), living in Esslingen.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
2 - 6 p.m.
Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Platz (in case of bad weather, in front of REWE in the Kocherquartier, 1. basement floor)

Verstrickt (Entangled) - The Textile Project
with Brigitte Katharina Maier and Fouad Kleij
Being creative in the field of textiles, sharing ideas about fashion and developping new perspectives towards it - that's the topic of this workshop. The participants will create a big textile piece. There will not only knitware of various qualities and structures be knitted, sewed and crocheted , also the participants will get in contact to each other. The big piece can be carpet, blanket or tarpaulin. During the collaborative work, which shall take place in public space, there will be talking, reading and brainstorming every saturday on or beneath the big patchwork. Every time another material - from cotton to cashmere - and the question what it means to the participants, will be in focus.
Brigitte Katharina Maier ist a freelance fashion designer and lives in Schwäbisch Hall. She was working in leading position in the creative department of Hugo Boss. During the last years she was Head of Design at Escada in Munich. Co-teacher in this workshop is Fouad Kleij who came from Aleppo in 2016. He is living in Schwäbisch Hall with his wife and his three daughters.
Saturday, October 20 and 27, November 3 and 11, 2018
2 - 5 p.m.

The eyes, mirror of our soul - Photo project
with Jürgen Vogel
Be part of an art project! Either in front or behind the camera: That's how it works: At the Markt der Möglichkeiten (public presentation of local social initiatives) as well as at the Central bus station (ZOB) in Schwäbisch Hall a small mobile photo studio will be built. In the focus will be the eye areas of the passers-by who agree to be a photo model. The pictures will be presented in an exhibition. There - eye-to-eye with the photographed persons - personal meditations about topics like origin, descent, culture etc. will emerge. The eyes as mirror of our souls are intended to inspire an inner dialogue with the other.
Jürgen Vogel is a social education worker and photo/video artist, living in Kupferzell.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
12 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Weltwerkstatt on tour (World workshop)
mit Claude Keil
A workshop where young people can discover and learn in unusual ways. The topics are how to avoid waste and how to recycle it. In a worldwide focus. Who deals how with the stuff that remains and gets disposed in the waste bin in the rich countries? This thrilling World workshop pursues the strategy of "Global Learning".
Claude Keil is an expert at BtE - Bildung trifft Entwicklung - (education meets development) and the Weltwerkstatt Schwäbisch Hall. He is also working as development worker.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
2 - 6 p.m.
In collaboration with the Freundeskreis Afrika e.V., Schwäbisch Hall

with Gudrun H. Hoelzer
Be creative and improve your German in the same time!
We will paint, draw and write texts (maybe a poem, a story, a recipe from your home country). You are free to experiment with various artistic techniques as you like, and quite incidentally you will improve your German. The artworks will be assembled into a small calendar.
Gudrun H. Hölzer is working for many years as a designer and German teacher.
Monday, October 8, 15 and 22, 2018
9.30 - 12 a.m.

Live On Air - make your own radio broadcast!
with Wolf Sternberg und colleagues
Operating microphones and controls - that is what you can try out in this workshop at free radio StHörfunk! During the first two days a one-hour live broadcast will be prepared. On the third day it is time for opening up the microphones and getting started with you contributions and your music! Your programme will be broadcasted as "StHörfleck" for one week daily, at different times.
Wolf Sternberg is head of radio projects and voluntary member of the board at Radio StHörfunk in Schwäbisch Hall.
Monday, October 22, and November 5, 2018
Radio workshop part 1 and 2
2 - 5 p.m.
Monday, November 19, 2018
StHörfleck, live on air
4 - 5 p.m.
In collaboration with Free Radio StHörfunk, Schwäbisch Hall and Crailsheim

Poetry Slam
with Michael Jakob
Welcome everybody who loves to work with language or wants to learn speaking in front of people. The workshops offers writing exercises, creative training, and speaking skills that are helpful also beyond a poetry slam. Our aim is to write texts and to present them. Whoever wants is allowed to present the text on the same evening during the Club Alpha Fall-Slam out of competition. All participants can enter the Club Alpha Slam for free.
Michael Jakob is author, slam poet, presenter and host of poetry slams. He lives in Zirndorf.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Foto: Andi Pontanus

Alif - Concrete poetry
with Iradj Esmaeilpour Ghouchani
Poems can not only be written. You can also paint, draw, dance them... Letters and works are for playing. In poems the languages are mixing up: Arabic, German, English... it doesn't matter, all of them. Everybody is a poet. Join in! You will be surprised what you can achieve!
Iradj Esmaeilpour Ghouchani was born in Tehran. He lives and works as scientist (anthropology), artist and pedagogue in Munich. He is working for INSIDEOUT, a Stuttgart based initiative for preventing extremism.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
2 - 6 p.m.
In collaboration with INSIDEOUT.

Creative Writing
with Sudabeh Mohafez
Who loves writing texts of would like to try that out once? This creative writing workshop is open for everybody, even for people who never have worked in this direction. We will discover together how to play with the literary potentials of language.
Sudabeh Mohafez was born in Tehran. She is a well-known author and pedagogue and has published numerous books. She has recently moved to Schwäbisch Hall.
Saturday, February 2, 2019
12 a.m. - 4 p.m.

State of Reality -
Dance performance project
Dance performance project
with Wagner Moreira and Helena Fernandino
A short and intense workshop focussing mainly on the expressive possibilities of our body. The participants will develop together a choreography for a short dance performance in public space. Elements of dance and performance art will be combined with contact improvisation. Motion and standstill will be discovered. The potentials of performing in public space are to be explored. The workshop's main issues are encounters in diversity, dealing with otherness and the developing dialogues that functions non-verbally.
Wagner Moreira and Helena Fernandino are born in Brasil and live now in Dresden. They are working worldwide as dancers, choreographers and teachers. Their collaborative as well as their solo projects have been honoured with numerous awards.
Saturday and Sunday, October 6 and 7, 2018
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
to be announced
A project by C.O.R.E.
Creating Opportunities of Research & Explorations

Der Geschmack von Sprache (The taste of language) - Theatre project
with Andreas Entner
To meet, to understand each other and to create a story out of it - that is the aim of this workshop. The participants will always work in teams of two: In step one a person who is living here already for a long time plus a person who has only recently arrived will get to know each other and give each other an understanding of their living worlds. Based on this experience they shall develop in step two a small stage presentation: Short plays, songs, poems, performances, texts etc. All these contributions will be put together into a stage programme and shall be presented in public, accompanied by an audience discussion.
Andreas Entner is working since 2008 as actor and theatre pedagogue. He is heading youth ensembles, supporting school classes in theatre productions and teaching basics of theatre pedagogy, clownery and voice work.
Monday, December 17, 2018 and January 14, 2019
6 - 9 p.m.
Friday, January 18, 2019
from 5 p.m.
Office Freilichtspiele, Im Haal 14, (orange building), meeting point in front of the building, right entrance

Theatre project with body work, dance, movement and encounter
with Anais Luepke
How does communication work actually? What happens if we do not speak the same language? Are there other ways of "talking" with each other? This workshop is focussed of on body language - expression, dance, movement. Over a longer period we will develop and rehearse together. The aim is a public presentation which will show situations and experiences out of the daily life and the workshop rehearsals.
Anais Luepke is studying theatre pedagogy with main focus on dance and physical theatre.
every Thursday, October 4, 2018 - January 10, 2019
6 - 8 p.m.